May the Fourth be with You! D6 Star Wars from West End Games

In honor of Star Wars Day, we give the classic game system, D6 Star Wars, published by West End Games, a read. May the force be with us!

Jedi Todd holding up his lightsaber.



All right, welcome, everybody. Happy May 4, may the fourth be with you. Star Wars Day. Haven't done something for Star Wars day or really any other special day for the most part, but I thought I would do something today because, well, why not? It's Thursday. Need something to do? I thought we could look at Star War as role playing game. This is my copy that I got ages ago during the Google group days. Google group.

Google plus. There was a really good sort of flea market group on there, and there's a lot of people who are moving stuff around, trading stuff, and I got in on that action. But the one we're going to look at today is slightly different. It's a version after this one. I don't know if this is a first or second edition, but this one, there were two editions, and then they did a couple of revised and expanded versions. This is the revised, expanded, updated version, which I think is the last. Now, if you look in the show notes, I did not link to this correct directly. I didn't link to this version because I don't know where it stands in the black market, gray market, whatever.

You can find the books, you can find them online. If you want to go and do that, you can. There is however, what I did link to is the spiritual successor to these books are a series of D six themed rulebooks, which you can get on drive through, and there's D Six space, which I believe is the updated I don't know how much updated, because I haven't read it, but the successor to these rules. So if you're interested in supporting what's going on currently, you could check out D Six space. If you dig around, you can find these books. But since I don't know their status and obviously Star Wars is a very active IP that's changed hands at least one time between when this came out and the current day. So I just thought I'll stay away from that stuff. But D Six spaces out there, which I think is fairly similar to this, and F, who's who's running this soon, mentions Mini Six.

So you got some options. Now, there's a lot here, and I'm not sure how much we're going to get to see over 500 pages worth once we get to the index. I want to try to so, Mike, conceptually, we'll see how we get here. And I'm hoping to do this in one setting, sitting. I want to really get into the mechanical stuff because I really like I'm sort of fascinated with D Six systems, and this is one that's always stood out as a classic example of a D Six system done right. It's always been well regarded. Which is why besides the Star Wars IP which is why I was interested in this to begin with. I've never played.

Never have. Not yet gotten around a chance to play it. But I'd heard such good things about it that when I saw copies floating around that were decently priced, I snagged one while I could. Let's see, f says slight differences in damage sizes, but the fast static combat option rules of mini six look really good. Okay, cool. So I may check out some other six lines of D Six stuff later. Nanu. Nanu.

So what is Star Wars in that? Mork. And here's a little what is this? Mint green tea spindrip for the working man. Mork calling Orson. I know I'm dating myself horribly with that reference. Does anyone at all remember Mork? Mork and Mindy, the thing that put Robin Williams on the map? Okay. All right, good. I'm not alone. It is indeed mork.

All right, let's get to it. So this is revised, expanded and updated. Before this, there was revised and expanded second edition. And before that there was second edition. So they came up, they went through a few iterations in relation to more Borg. I didn't think so. They went through a few iterations of these rules. And of course, I am not going to try to figure out what's different, but we have some blue text that's going to go through that, but we don't really have any context for it because we're just coming to these rules by themselves.

The character template, I'm not going to spend much time on here, but we can see what a character looks like. We've got dexterity, perception, knowledge, strength, mechanical and technical. It looks like we have some skills underneath there. And then each one of those, as well as some of the skills, has some dice notation. 2d plus two, for example. 2d, some three, D forty. I'm guessing that's the number of D Six that were rolling. Frederick says they really like the system, but there's no decent magic system for it to do fantasy.

Frederick there is a D Six fantasy on drive through. I don't know how good it is, but it is there. It might be worth maybe I'll do that. I'll put that on my list. I'll put it up in the feedback. People can vote on it. Maybe I can look at some of the D Six, because when I was looking up on drive through for whether some kind of Star Wars or if they'd done something to make a generic version, I saw there's a whole line of these D Six games. D six space.

There might even be another one. That's d six sci-fi. I don't recall. I definitely saw D Six Fantasy. So they may have you covered with magic, and I'm hoping, guessing, that they're kind of interoperable with each other. You can mix and match. But don't quote me on that because I don't know. We have movement rates, it looked like.

Is that a ten or is that a D Six? That's a ten. You have a force sensitive toggle force points, dark side points, character points, and then we have some wound statuses. Going from stunned with one box to wounded two boxes, incapacitated one box and mortally wounded one box. Hopefully this stuff will make more sense as we're going along. There's a solo adventure. Man, if I had looked at this before I'm going to skip the solo adventure. Maybe I'll do it on another stream. I'll do it on Lone Wolf Wednesdays.

Maybe I'll come back and run that solo. All right, so getting started. We have Dexterity, which is our hand eye, hand coordination, and agility knowledge, our knowledge of the galaxy. Mechanical is our mechanical aptitude. Perception is our powers of observation. Strength is our physical strength, health, and ability to resist damage. Technical is our technical aptitude. And that's all for that.

Each attribute has a die code. A typical die code could be 3D, pronounced 3D. Great, I got that right. That means roll three six out of dice whenever the attribute is used. All right, so everything, I believe everything is D six, hence D six. Star wars. Let's read their example so we could kind of get a sense of how things working here. George is playing a kid who he names Sev Reese.

Sev has a mechanical of 3D when he jumps behind the controls of a land speeder and tries to drive it on a busy highway. The game master tells George to make a mechanical roll. George rolls three dice and gets a two, a three if and a five. Steve's mechanical total or sev, I suppose. Mechanical total is ten if there is a plus one or plus two after the D, add that number to your total. So we have a secondary example of SEV's. Dexterity is 3D plus two. When Sev throws a grenade, the game master tells George to make a Dexterity roll.

George rolls a three, four, and five for the 3D, but he also adds plus two to the total to get a total of 14. A diode of 2D is about average. A dicode of 4D is pretty good. Okay, and I'm guessing that means that 1D is awful, not very good. And if you're above 5D, you're pretty darn special. Skills are things your character learns and they can get better at over time. Skills include things like Blaster, Dodge, Starfighter, Piloting and brawling. A skill is listed under its attribute.

Each skill begins with the same dicode as its attribute. So here, let's just zip back to that sheet so we can see here that perception, I guess, for this character template, the Laconic Stout Rojo Barant, they have a perception of 2D. So that would mean that by default, bargain, con, high search and sneak would all have 2D. It looks like they have increased these skills specifically, so even though their perception is 2D, their search and sneak are better at 3D. We don't know what we're rolling against yet, but there we have it. I think we can kind of gloss over the skills. Right. Blasters, firing, blasters, brawling, brawling.

Dodging is dodging. Alien species. Knowledge is knowledge by alien species. Yada, yada, yada. Let's get into how the game works. So I'm going to just go right to the example. Sev is at the controls of an air speeder, kind of like the snow speeders in The Empire Strikes Back. Racing through a canyon up ahead, the canyon narrows into a tight passage.

SEV's repulsive lift operation skill is five D. The game master decides that the difficulty number is 18. George rolls a 22. Sev races through the opening without a scratch. If George had rolled a 17 or less, Sev would have failed. Maybe he would. Maybe he only would have scraped the rocks, rocking the speeder for a second or two. If the roll was bad enough, maybe Sev would have crashed his speeder.

All right, so the couple of things we're learning here is it's going to be rolling over a target number, so the GM is going to set the target number. We don't know how those are set yet. I don't know if 18 is great or not, but if 2D is about an average, then 18 is pretty darn difficult, I would think, since you can't even get there with an average skill. So 18 seems like it will be hard. I'm guessing there's going to be, I hope, some sort of table that will give us some ideas of what numbers equal what difficulties. I don't know if this is just up to GM Fiat or not, but it seems like there's at least a concept of near success. Success with a cost. So if George had rolled less than 18, it doesn't have to be failure.

You've slammed into the canyon wall, airspeeder blows up, Sev dies. It could be that you scratched up the hull of the ship, which might be a big deal if you borrowed the ship from a hut or something. Or maybe stole it from a hut or stole it from somebody. And then when it's not only did you steal it and they know it's you, but now you've banged it up. So now they're super extra mad. Some kind of consequence, but not an ultimate failure type consequence. But it's just in the example here, we'll see if there's an actual mechanic to go along with that or not, like arranged kind of thing. Hey, fail by less than five and it's only slightly bad.

We'll see. We have another example. Sev is going to ride a Taunton for the first time. The game master tells George to make a beast riding role. Beast riding as a mechanical skill, since Sev doesn't have any extra skill dice in beast riding, George just rolls. His mechanical attribute of Sev hangs on for dear life onto opposed roles. The example we get here is Sev is shooting as stormtrooper. Sev has his blaster skill, 4D plus two to hit the Stormtrooper dodges skill of get out of the way.

Stormtroopers have a skill of four dice to get out of the way. That seems like way too much. Since when did Stormtroopers dodge anything? Come on, now. Sev rolls a 15. The stormtrooper rolls a 17. Stormtrooper dodges out of the way of the incoming laser blast. If Seb had rolled a 17 or higher, the shot would have blasted the Stormtrooper. All right, so there he is.

That's basically, I'm guessing, how combat is going to work. Actions in a round. The game is broken down. As around. Each round is about 5 seconds of game time. Your character can perform one action in a round, roll the skill, or attribute die code for that action. Characters can try to do more than one action in a round, but it's harder to do more than one thing at once. The character tries two things, lose one die from every skill roll.

The character tries three things, lose two dice from every skill roll. If a character tries four things, they lose three dice from every skill roll, and so forth. That's cool. So if you are really skilled, you might be able to afford to give up a die or two to multitask. So they use that example we had earlier. Instead of trying to get into the tight passage, maybe he also wants to shoot at another air speeder ahead of him, since he has five dice in his speeder skill. And maybe, let's say he's got four dice in his artillery skill or whatever, a ship to ship skill. He can drop down the operation skill to 4D, drop down the other skill what did I say? From three D to two D and then kind of take a shot while he's maneuvering.

Given the difficulty, you might not want to, but you could. So let's get the example of this. Sev is racing through the streets while several thugs are shooting at him. George decides that Sev will fire his blaster twice, once at each thug and dodge to try to get out of the way. That's three actions in a round. So Sev loses 2D for all of his skill rolls. SEV's blaster skill is 4D plus two, so he only rolls 2D plus two for each blaster shot. For his dodge, he uses his Dexterity, which is 3D plus two.

After subtracting the 2D, sev only gets to roll one D two for his dodge. I kind of like that. That's really cool, because it allows somebody who is high skilled, which presumably means that they have some experience on their belts, to really multitask and around. But it also forces folks who can't to have to go slower. So I really like that. Hey, I can see adapting this to some other systems, you want to have somebody attack multiple times and keep taking subtracting. I think that's something I want to say. Pathfinder Second edition does something like that.

Someone can correct me. I don't want to sidetrack too hard. But I think they do have something where you keep penalizing. You can multitask, but you sort of take penalties. This one's kind of neat because they're just saying that there's no limit. The limit is really how much dice you have, because presumably you can't take the action if you don't roll at least one die. But I dig that a lot. Now we've got the Wild die.

One of the dice you roll should be of a different color than the others. This is called your wild die. Wild Die anytime you roll a skill or attribute anytime you roll skill OSR attribute dice, pay special attention to what you roll on the Wild Die. If the Wild Die comes up as a two, three, four or five, just add it to the total normally. If the Wild Die comes up as a six, you add the six to your score. But also tell the Game Master he will have you roll that die again. Add the new score, roll to your score too. If it comes up as a six again, add the six and roll the die again and keep going.

So basically it's an exploding D six, but only one. The Wild Die comes up as a one. Tell the Game Master he will have you do one of three things. Just add it normally. Subtract the die and your other highest die from the total ouch. Add it to the total normally. But the Game Master will warn you that a complication happens. Something unusual and probably bad has happened that livens things up for your character.

So that's really interesting. So one of your dice is the Wild Die. And I guess if you only roll one die, then that one die is your wild eye. And then some interesting things can happen. That one single die can explode, which is great, but you can also add complications if you roll a one, which is also pretty cool. Special Statistics we have character points. When you spend a character point, you get to roll an extra die. When your character tries to do something, you could spend character points after you've tried to skill roll, but you must do so before the Game Master says whether your character succeeded at the task.

So you roll some dice, you don't get what you want. Tell the game master to pause. Or maybe the Game Master will say, do you want to use any character points before I tell you what happened? Then you say yes, no, and you can roll them. Force Points when you spend a Force point, that means your character is using all his concentration to succeed. And whether he knows it or not, he's drawing upon the force. When you spend a force point, you get to roll double the number of dice you would normally roll in a round. You can only spend one force point per round, and you have to say so before you roll any dice. You can't spend any character points in the same round.

When you spend a Force point, using a Force point in anger or fear calls upon the Dark side. Characters that use the Force for evil or selfish goals risk going over to the dark side of the Force. That's pretty cool. And then with dark Side points, you get dark side points for doing evil. If a character gets enough Dark Side points, he or she turns to the dark side of the Force and will likely become an NPC. The player must create a new character. So you have a little bit of a ticking clock. You can try to dip into the dark Side if you want to, or if that's your character, but if you go too far, you get lost in the dark side.

I suppose the game master doesn't have to take over, but I would also suppose that at some point presuming that in Star Wars you're playing good folks. Then you wouldn't fit in the party, right? Something like it'll. Say, their fantasy version of D Six. Maybe they would let you keep going, I don't know. But it's a neat idea. And if you want to try to dance on that tightrope of can I be selfish and self serving and get some extra bonuses and not go totally dark, that's fine. I wonder if it's possible to get rid of some Dark side points, or if it's more like once you got them, you got them kind of thing. So you can pick your era of play.

I'm not going to read through the descriptions, but you have the rise of the Empire you could be in during the Rebellion, you could be in the New Republic, you could be in the Jedi Order era, or you could pick some other era with some nice notes. Now, into characters you could pick a template. Think about what kind of person you want to play. Do you want to play a dashing smuggler like Han Solo? A cunning Jedi like Obiwan Kenobi? An impressionable Jedi in training like Luke Skywalker? A headstrong diplomat like Padme abadala? A CD con artist? An engineer who is more at home with joys than people notice? Do you want to play a gungan like Jar Jar Binks? Is not, I repeat, not one of the options. So you can detail your character with physical description, background and personality. Give yourself some objectives, and also how you're connected with other characters. Also, a really great section you should always do could be friends, relatives, OSR, some combination thereof. Employees you might be part of a joint ownership group.

You might be traveling companions. You might be a mentor, or be under someone else's mentor. You can be rivals, come from the same home world. You can be classmates. You can be known by reputation, or you might be in love. What if you want to play a happy go lucky scout instead of a cynical old grump. You could change anything you want, but make sure to clear it with the game master. Probably do want to figure that out before you play.

It would seem weird if you went from a cynical old grump to suddenly becoming a happy go lucky scout. Christopher says, better Jabba than Jar Jar. That is true. And Brian Smith also asking, where's the Java option? I think the problem with Jabba is he's not very mobile. It's hard to go adventuring with a hut because they really just it's a little slow rail. C says, I feel like there was a tone mechanic in First Edition, but it's been 30 years. Hard to be sure. We'll see if we run across it.

I can also check on my other rulebook that I'm not sure what version it is, but it's definitely not this one. It might be oh, this is Second Edition, revised and expanded. Okay. I should have looked at the bottom of the book because it would have told me. So. Yeah. My version. My hard copy is second edition, revised and expanded.

This one's second Edition, revised, expanded and updated. So I'm one edition behind this one. Ian says, Too many Star Wars RPGs to keep track of. This isn't the D 21. No, it isn't. This is D six. This one, I think, Ian. And again, I haven't played any of the Star Wars games in my recollection.

In my mind, this 1 may be the one that's the most well thought of, though I know people like Mrs, which is the fancy flight one, or at least the generic size fancy flight rules, but I feel like this one has it, and it could be some nostalgia. I didn't check dates, but the date on the second one, this one is let's see. Can I find a date here in the book? Okay, I get it. So this one. So my Hard Copy revised and expanded second Editions from 1996. So there could be some nostalgia there, but I think people at least look back at these rules. Fondly says. We played second edition with the Darth Vader helmet, but most of our time was with first edition.

Yeah, it'd be nice to see a First Edition. It'd be nice. I'm sure someone online. I have to think that somewhere out there on Blog Spot, there's somebody who's put together the differences between the different editions. Oh. Ray says that second edition got more fiddly. Interesting. I might need to try to get a hold of First Edition and check it out, though this doesn't read as being too fiddly yet.

So you pick your skills. And again, I'm kind of just breezing through some of this because one, I'm coming at it from, hey, you're fairly familiar with role playing games and B, since it is such a big book and I have such limited time now, we get to some interesting things. So there's some advanced skills, advanced skills demand years of discipline, study to master and cannot be attempted unless the character has the skill. Which means you have to invest in certain skills to be able to use them. You can't just use your attribute, and some examples they have are medicine, space transports, engineering, Starfighter Engineering and Droid Engineering. Now, I'm interested definitely in force sensitivity. Only a few are sensitive to the force. If the Force sensitive line is blank, choose yes or no.

A character with yes on the Force Sensitive line starts the game with two force points. A character with no on the Force Sensitive line starts the game with one Force point. Maybe someone could riddle me this. Why would you not want to be force sensitive? Is there a benefit to not being force sensitive? I feel like not being force sensitive is for suckers. Unless you just want to play Han Solo or somebody who theoretically is not force sensitive. I would just always be like, Check. Yes. Because I want more Force points.

Rennis, he says first edition is from 1987. Okay, yeah, I hear you on the regrets raid. For sure. Okay, so here an example. Is, let's see, Thanek, who's a bounty hunter, doesn't have a ship. Bill, the Game master, decides to help Greg over out a bit. Game master says I'll give Thanik a ship. How about an old Gatrock 720 freighter? He got it used and battered, but had some of his smuggler friends modify it.

You still owe a loan chart from selling on 5000 credits for the ship. Be sure to keep your payments timely. Bill gives Greg a sheet of paper listing the ship's game statistics. If Bill wanted to be really devious, he could have come up with something else. Maybe Panic ship is stolen and Imperial Customs wants to confiscate it and Greg doesn't know the real story. Okay, that's interesting. And that's oh, that's under spend credits. And then you can pick your Force powers if you're force sensitive.

So if you're force sensitive and start with any of the three, you start oh, if your character is force sensitive and starts with any of the three force skills, control, sense or alter your character knows at least one force power. Turn to the force chapter. All right. And we can create new templates, which is cool. You can also make Droid characters, which I guess that would be one reason why you wouldn't be force sensitive is you're a Droid. I still don't know why you wouldn't want to take force sensitivity. Somebody tell me why you wouldn't want to be force sensitive. Oh, ian says you should do that role from the Psionics role from Ad and E to check about force sensitivity.

I mean, that might be neat too, right? Make it a random thing, though. I guess this is more about crafting your character than sort of OSR style. Discover your character. But maybe if some were to make up, like a random Star Wars D Six character generator. It might be fun to have something. I mean yeah, you'd want it to be I mean, it's the thing. Do you want it to be very low? I don't know. I get it.

If I'm playing Star Wars, I totally get wanting to be more of like, no, I want to play this particular kind of character. It just seems to me that I don't know, maybe I'm being Min, Max or Todd over here. But I'm just thinking, why wouldn't I want to be Force sensitive if there's no cost associated with it? It literally is. I could just choose to check a box or not. Why wouldn't I just check it? I'd rather have Force than not. Even if it's just Force points. Even if I don't want to take any Force skills to actually activate the Force, I'll take the three Force points. I'm not sure why I would want to either start with three or one OSR.

Two or one. Whatever it is. Give me more Force points. I'm wondering if there isn't something like you're more visible to sort of sith or you appear on the Force radar spectrum. I'm not sure. Derek man says the risk of gaining Dark Side points, I guess, but you don't have to use the Force. Let me see. You don't have to use the Force to get Dark Side points, though.

Didn't we establish that if I go too far? I did. All right, let me see. Didn't we establish that we didn't have to get here we go. Dark Side points for doing evil doesn't have to be to the Force. Now, using a Force Point in anger does call upon the Dark Sides. So it does get you a Dark Side you can use. It's a weird thing here. Maybe this is I don't know again, maybe it's clarified later.

But it seems like, okay, if you use a Force Point anger, you will gain a Dark Side Point. But it seems like you don't need to use the Force. If you just do evil, you'll get Dark Side Points anyway. Maybe you might rule that it's doubled if you use the Force Point and go to the Dark Side. I don't know. Just questions. I've got let's see. Where were we? I'm not going to read through the attributes and skills, right? I don't think we need it.

We do have hold on. We should look here. So you do get some kind of advantages or disadvantages. Did I skip anything else? Okay, we got character advancement. Should I read through the character advancement? Does anybody I think let's see. You're going to receive character points after each adventure. You use character points to improve your character skills and other abilities between adventures. I think that's pretty self explanatory, right? It costs as many character points as a number before the D to improve a skill.

So to go from plus two to plus three, you need. To spend, let's see, increasing a skill from a plus two. Oh, I see. That's a special character can only prove a skill one pip between each adventure. So if you need to okay the pluses, don't count against it. I see. So if you need to go from plus three to plus four, I guess you have to spend three. Is that right? Cost as many skills, right.

So I guess if it's three D, to get to 4D, you got to spend three. I think that's right. I think there are probably some examples here, but it's not that big of a deal, though. You get a lot of examples, which is nice. OOH, training time. If the character used a skill or specialization in the last adventure, there's no training time requirement. The character can just spend the character points and the skill improves one pip. If the character didn't use the skill or specialization in the last adventure, the character must spend time training.

I like that. That's an idea I might have to steal because I haven't seen that too much. People usually go, either you need training time or you don't. But the idea of if you used it and you're going to improve it in an adventure and I'm guessing an adventure, is this a session thing? I mean, you're probably not going to get enough character points in a given session. I'm not sure. We'll see. Because either you have to do some extra tracking to figure that out or you do it at the beginning, at the end of a session. I'm not sure what the cadence what the cadence is, but that's cool either way.

Obviously, if it's every session again, I don't know what they mean. It used to be, I guess maybe I'm just folding in kind of OSR terminology. But oftentimes adventure, when you read it in, say, a book like BX, they really meant a session. Your foray of going into a dungeon and then in the end, coming back to your safe place at the end to settle up for the session, that was kind of an adventure. So you could settle up at the end and not like we'd think of an adventure as an entire module of multiple sessions, presumably maybe weeks and weeks and months and months of play. I don't know. Here what they mean by adventure. If they mean one session or if they mean an ongoing adventure, it makes sense if I'm checking things off, that it would get unwieldy if I had to check a bunch of things off.

Or on the other hand, I would end up having my whole board checked off. Now, it wouldn't go that far because I assume I'd have a small amount of skills I'd use all the time and then something I wouldn't. I guess maybe just like I know when we were playing Dragon Band, they have a little box like, hey, did you use this thing with a crit? Or a crit fail, you could check the box and then that would kind of help on the advancement thing. Maybe just have a single checkbox. It does encourage you, I guess, either way, to try to at least throw in some skills you may not be great at, because you might be able to get a checkbox and then you don't have to train. But I do like that concept of hey, if you used it successfully, then you don't have to train. If you didn't, then you have to train. Okay, other game stats.

You can increase your attributes one pip at a time, but there is a limit to how high you can go. Let's see. What about a force sensitivity? A character who is not force sensitive may choose to become force Sensitive for 20 character points. Wow. I don't know if that's a lot or a little. It seems like a lot, but again, see, here it is. If I got to pay. This is weird to me because from a character creation standpoint, if I don't pick force sensitivity at the start, I have to then spend what seems to me like a fairly high cost.

Though I don't know if it is 20 character points or I can just check the box for nothing at the beginning. I kind of feel like again, just check the box. But it would be neat if there was some drawback darth Vader can smell you a mile away sort of thing if you're force sensitive. I don't know. So now onto that's advantages and disadvantages. They have a whole table. If you take them, then you get some kind of bonus. I'll read what it says a little here.

Aside from determining a character's physical and mental capabilities, a player may or may not wish to define that character's personality, his history, his family, his beliefs, his quirks, et cetera. One option is to allow players to select Advantages and Disadvantages. The Game master should skim the list below and determine, first, whether they want to use Advantages and Disadvantages, and second, which particular entries they want to include or exclude. Each entry on the list described to the right includes the name of the advantage or disadvantage, its description, and a die code which may be positive or negative. When you select one of these items, write it on your character template and record the die code on a separate piece of paper. When you finished, add up the die codes. The result may be positive or negative. The resulting diecode tells you how many skill dice you must either take away or add to your character's starting skill dice.

Positive Dicode result means add, while a negative dicode result means subtract. The game master will tell the player whether any of the Advantages or disadvantages listed in this chapter do not apply or are not allowed. All right, so basically you can take Advantages, but if you take an advantage, then you lose some skill points. If you take a disadvantage, you potentially gain some skill points and you can mix and match. You might end up with a zero sum, in which case nothing will be affected. Or some adding, some taking away. I just want to read one of these. Hey, Brian Smith.

Why? I'm glad you appreciate it. I'm happy to do them. Terrence says The Force Awakens for the low cost of 20 character points. That's right. See, that's why Finn had such a hard time in the second and third movies. Kind of got sidelined a bit. Those 20 character points, he was falling behind the curve, the difficulty curve. See, Terrence, we figured it out.

Ian asked me if I'm sure you don't have to pay those points and start I am pretty sure, Ian. I mean, I would never take what I'm saying here with full confidence because I'm moving quickly, but having looked it over a couple of times, it just says, Check the box. It just says, Check the box. I mean, there's probably a neat story there if you're interested in the story about discovering parents. The force awakens. And I wasn't force sensitive. Now I am, but it seemed like it was just a freebie. That's why I'm wondering, is there some kind of reason why you always wouldn't want to check the box? And I don't know.

So I'm just going to read one advantage and one disadvantage just to get a sense of things. So a disadvantage in any game where you're using these things. Be mindful. Think about your table, right? Because some of these aren't going to be appropriate. They may be triggers for people. Some folks, if they're dealing with these things either with themselves or family members or their histories, whatever, are probably not going to want to have them thrown in their face in a game session. Right? So just be mindful. Here's the source of addiction.

Be careful. Be careful. So the addiction disadvantages is the character cannot go more than one day without drinking, gambling, et cetera. I e satisfying their addiction. Failure to do so results in lowered metabolic rates, thereby reducing the character's attribute scores by one for each day they go without the cause of their addiction. On the first day, an attribute of 4D would fall to 3D plus one and so on. After one week, the character has defeated his addiction. If he ever partakes of the formally addictive activity in the future, they've got a 50% chance of becoming addicted again.

That one's kind of interesting, simply because they're saying here that you can ditch it by spending a week of not doing it. And that feels like it reads to me a little bit weird. And the reason why I say it's weird is not that I get it, right. They say about smoking and other addictive things, if you can stay off of it for a week amount of time, you're sort of over the hump. In some real way, not to say it's easy, and folks, obviously, who are in programs or anything spend their whole lives afterwards, but there's that, I guess. I don't know. They say the actual physical addictive part is like, 48 hours, and after that, it's more of the mental discipline. And again, I don't know.

And I'm not trying to really say one thing or other, so I can understand why they said a week, but in a game in which you might easily, easily have a week of downtime OSR, you could see at the end of Adventure spending a week, and that's it. So I'm going to go to convalesce on Dantoone for a week and be done. And the reason why I bring it up is because you've gotten this bonus out of it. You've got three extra skilled ice, so it's just going to be you can spend a week on Hawth, spend a week in the ice baths of Hawth, and then you're done. And just okay. Because if you're just in downtime, then who cares about your attributes? Okay. Yeah, they're sinking down. Down.

Okay. I'm not doing anything. I'm sitting in ice bath. I sleep on a bed of Taunton furs. And I don't know, we go whatever that wampum hunting or whatever that beast is out there, we go hunting for them during the day. I'm not sure. So it seems weird that you can just get rid of it like that. Now, maybe they don't envision that you're taking weeks of downtime, but you're also training.

If I go off to train for a week, did I just lose my addiction? I don't know. I think if you're getting a bonus like that, if it's something that is giving you a mechanical benefit, I kind of feel like it's yours to keep for the low price of forever. But that's just how they're doing it here. The force must flow. Nice. Ian all right. I like delusions of grandeur. The best thing that ever happened to the world.

That's how characters with this disadvantage be themselves. No one can surpass their prowess, their prowess. They shouldn't even bother trying. Interesting that you're getting this bonus and there's no mechanical deficiency here. This is when and I'll tell you, if I had seen this book in the was maybe a little bit older than that, but definitely maybe in the 80s, if this first edition came out, and I would routinely spend summers, mostly by myself, because I'd be traveling to family, and my friend groups wouldn't be around. I'd be spending endless amount of creating characters, trying to mix and match these different things. And I would totally I guess this min maxi phase of my character, of my character building, would have looked at these disadvantages and seen, how many can I stack that have essentially nonfictional or non mechanical imports? So I would have skipped addiction unless I felt like, oh, yeah, take addiction and then spend the week and get rid of it, and then you still get plus three dice. Delusions of grandeur.

Totally. I could have fun playing that up. Role playing. Get a free die, don't have to do anything at all. No real disadvantage. There's no penalty to my diplomacy skills or charisma type checks. Nothing. It's just yeah, I'm the gift to the world, I'll take it.

So here's one that say an advantage, which is Noble Birth. This character fell into luxury. Born into a wealthy, perhaps noble family, she wanted for nothing, attending the best schools, ordering servants, and having everything she desired. The character begins play with double the amount of funds given to wealthy starting characters. So boom. Noble Birth. But then you could just take Delusions of Grandeur and bam, canceled out, and you start double. So that's the kind of thing I'd be doing.

Not necessarily a big deal. I'm not trying to say much about it. I would definitely have done that at a time. And I guess maybe as a GM, if you're running this, you might want at least be aware that there is some room here to try to game the system. And if I'm the GM, I might go through with some of these disadvantages and look at the ones that seem to give you basically skill points for nothing, like Delusions of grandeur and then give some kind of mechanical nudge in there. Florence Scott says Delusional Grandeur is getting your bonus points for annoying your DM. Yeah, pretty much. Now you can have contacts, friends, and acquaintances, and you can develop them, which is cool.

I'm not going to read through the system, but it's got examples. I really like this layout. It's just very clean and neat, but easy to see everything. Lots of examples which I appreciate. Nice clean headers that are clear, nice, and denning on the internal paragraphs. Enemies and rivals. Han Solo has about as many enemies as he does friends in contacts. GREETO score Herkin.

I don't know most of these. I only know GREETO. Really? And Jabba. And Vader, of course. Emperor. I don't know some of these. I didn't read much of the extended fiction. So like Galandro Pluvo too far.

Too far. One. I have no idea who those are. Score enemies are in many ways the inverse of contacts. Like contacts, they fall into two types enemies and rivals. I think we can understand that. So why would we want to develop enemies and rivals other than Fun oops. I just want to say, is there a reason develop enemies and rivals as he did? Contacts using the same method? For example, families can be a source of opposition as well as support, especially if the character has chosen the side of the Civil War opposed by his or her parents.

I guess maybe it's just for characterization. It'd be good to say that everyone should have one. Have an enemy or a rival. All right, so now we're into attributes and skills. I think we went over them in general. I don't think we need to go through them in specifics. Remember, A are the ones that are advanced, so you can't just default them to your attribute. But, you know, you got a lot of stuff.

Acrobatics, archaic guns, capital ship, weapons repair. Well, that's very specific. Droid engineering, flamethrowers forgery, gambling, stamina, power suit operation. Nice. So here we have I'm going to read the acrobatics one just because it gives some information on kind of what kind of modifiers you might see. So acrobatics takes around, has specializations, could be diving, trapeze, tumbling. Using acrobatics can improve many of a character's climbing, jumping and running attempts. The game master determines the difficulty of the acrobatic stunts.

One half of the difference rounded up between the difficulty and the acrobatics role is added to the complementary skill. One half of the difference between the difficulty and the acrobatics role is added to the complementary skill. I think I might need to see an example of that. The acrobatics attempt and the climbing, jumping or running try must be done on the same turn, incurring multiple action penalty. Okay, so you can help using acrobatics, but it does require you to do two things at once, if that's if you're not just doing acrobatics for its own sake, which is kind of nice. Though something in my dragon bane game would cause me nothing but trouble, as I've been using acrobatics as a stand in for lots of running and jumping. In this case, if I wanted to run and do some kind of acrobatics, for whatever reason, I'd have to take that penalty for doing two actions at once and then I could use it. But I think this thing is supposed to be the benefit here.

One half of the difference between the difficulty and the acrobatics roll is added to the complementary skill. Okay, so if the difficulty was, say, 15, and I rolled an 18 for acrobatics, that would give me a three, I would add that to the complementary skill. So if I was running and trying to use my acrobatics instead of, let's say I had 3D running, but I got 5D acrobatics, I would roll four D of acrobatics. I beat the difficulty of that acrobatics check by three. So then my running skill, instead of being 3D, would go to 2D plus three. Is that good or bad on average? Slightly worse, because the average of a D six is 3.5. And since I'd go 2D plus three would give me 3.53.510 as opposed to 10.5. It's small and it's slight, but that .5 thing is true.

So you kind of round up and say maybe it's close to eleven. So I guess you want to try to seems like if this is where you're going to do that, you want to be pretty certain that the margin you think you can get is higher than three. Because if you get to four, it's about even ish rounding up. And then five and six is good, or obviously, more is good. During a fall, acrobatics may be used to reduce bodily harm. If the character has not already used his declared actions for the round, he may rely on acrobatics in an attempt to land properly as a full reaction. So basically, right, you can use your acrobatics in standing, but then you're using your whole round. If you've been doing other things during the round and you're falling, presumably you have to declare you can't just use acrobatics for that.

Maybe I guess it's because you haven't used your actions yet, right? So you have an action to spare. So you can use your action to try to brace your fall or roll, tumble, whatever it is. In this case, the difficulty depends on how difficult the acrobatic maneuver is. Or I guess this is in general. Some examples are provided below. All right, so it's something that's very easy. Somer salt or pirouette, easy handspring, cartwheel, et cetera. Moderate.

I don't know what a round off is, but a back flip or vaulting over an obstacle, very difficult. Bouncing off a surface to reach a specific destination. That'll be your kind of parquet kind of thing. Or not parquet. What is it called? Parkour. And then you can ask the modifiers, depending on the kind of situation. And note characters may combine one or more maneuvers in the same action. In this case, use the difficulty of the most challenging maneuver and then add five.

We don't know what the numbers are for this. I just want to roll back. Did we get numbers for what the difficulty levels are? It doesn't look like it. All right, so we'll have to see that later. So that's acrobatics, which I think is a good example. I would have liked to have gotten an example, but we get some examples of some of these other ones, but not acrobatics. But I want to see rather, what are these difficulties in terms of numbers. Some decoders, jetpacks pod racing, perception skills, bargaining, the game of sabak.

Sabaku? Strength skills, technical skills. I want to know who you can get mishaps for. Weapons, vehicles, noise, repairs, engineering, other skills. How to game master. So this must be where we will see things, see things no one else can see, do things no one else can do. Let's see. So that we have the rules. We've got combat injuries, movement and chases, space travel and combat running battles.

And the force. The force. The force. The force. Mood setting. I'm breezing through some of these. I want to see what is the dicode simplification. Okay, that's good.

Okay, here we go. So you have a range for each of the difficulties. So very easy requires just a one to five. Easy is six to ten. Moderate is eleven to 15. Difficult is 16 to 20. Very difficult is 21 to 30. And heroic is 31 loose.

I do like this simplification for the dicode. So if you need just get some you want some hard numbers, you can take these and get out some pluses and stuff instead. So if someone's gotten a ton of dice, you could basically, if you have I'm plus 21 dice, then you could grab these instead for their wild dice, for their rolls and so on and so forth. Then it's explained here. So, for example, a character has a range weapon that deals does 30 D of damage. Instead of rolling 30 dice, the player rolls five and adds 88 to total of the dice. So you take the five dice here and you would go down and find 30, and that would be 88. So I guess pretty much we're saying that the most you want to roll is five dice and then you use this for the rest.

Or you can if you want to if somebody wants to roll. And I guess in modern times, 1996, it seemed much more if you're playing in person. But obviously with all kinds of virtual tabletops and digital die rolling and discord bots and things like that, you can just have some fun putting in 30 D six and watch the virtual numbers fly. Terrence just pictured a margarine tub screaming, parkour nice. That sounds like a great image, Terrence. Or if you could draw somebody parkouring over a giant tub of margarine parquet parkour. Okay, then we got some explanations of difficulties, which I don't need. You can get some random difficulties if you need it's.

Very easy. Roll it 1D easy, 2D moderate, three to then so on and so forth up the chain. That's great. Let's see. It seems like if you wanted to make all those roles player facing, you could probably take the opposed thing and bake it in just to raise the difficulty up on a park four. Exactly. Brian Smith. You got it.

Scenes and rounds. All right, the Star Wars role playing game uses two kinds of time scenes and rounds. Scenes are used whenever what is going on every second doesn't really matter. The game master simply describes situation and the setting. The players say what they want their characters to do, and the game master tells them what happened and how long it takes. A scene can cover a couple of minutes, a few hours, or even days or weeks of time. A scene could show a conversation between two characters. Another scene might cover several hours, such as the scenes in Star Wars.

A new hope of the Millennium Falcon is flying to Aldoran. And then, of course, rounds. Get initiative and you roll actions. Yes. I got you. I got you, game. I'm there with you. Reaction skills.

When a character gets attacked, he can react by trying to get out of the way. The most common reaction skills are acrobatics, dodge, melee Perry and Brawling Perry. A character can wait until he's attacked. To use a reaction skill, the character can use up any remaining actions for the reaction for a reaction, or have the reaction be an extra action. Accepting the higher multiple action penalty for the rest of the round, character can use up any remaining actions. Let's see, how does this work? So in this case, I want to read this section here. So, multiple Actions characters may attempt to perform several tasks in a single round. OSR if the action takes longer than one round to complete in the same minimum time period, the more they try to do, the less care and concentration they can apply to each action.

It becomes more difficult to succeed at all the tasks. For each action taken beyond the first, the player must subtract 1D from all skill or attribute roles. Right, we got that part. Let's try and do four. Actions in one round. Gives the characters a minus 3D modifier to each role. Yeah, the one thing I'm interested here in is, what if you've used your actions because you've gone first, and then somebody else does something afterwards, and then you can react to that? How does that work? Actions, I think I need to maybe I need to see this in more detail because I'm a little bit okay, so let's read this up. So, rounds.

Right, we got that. You'd roll initiative, then you roll actions. Got that? Initiative. I'm going to skip initiative. All right, so we're back here. Character with the highest perception side goes first. That's fine. All right, let's see an example here.

Maybe this will help, or maybe I'm the only one confused. But either way, I'm reading out. The player characters are confronted by a nasty looking group of thugs. Bill is the game master. Hi, Bill. Bill says you're an open air market. It's midday, and the brilliant blue sun hangs directly overhead. Everything has an odd green yellow hue.

A few minutes ago, the market was filled with customers, but now the place has cleared out. Two goons are standing straight ahead, about 20 meters away. They're both pointing blaster rifles at you. 10 meters further back is a tall human in a long cloak. He's holding a blaster pistol in one hand and a link in the other. He shouts, we finally caught up with you. Now. Where's our money? George's character, Sev, has a perception of 3D plus two, the highest in the group.

George rolls for initiative and gets a 14. The highest perception on the game master side is the tall humans perception of 4D. Bill rolls for him and gets a 15. Since Bill rolled higher, he gets to decide whether the goons go first or last. In this case, he chooses last. All right, that's interesting. All right, so now we've done that. And then you go through ties.

That's fine. So now for actions, the first side acts. Now the character with the highest perception goes first. The player tells you how many actions he's making this round, and you assign the multiple actions penalty. Okay, I get you. So that's how we're doing it. So you're determining before you start how many actions you're taking. I see.

All right, now to go back to the reaction rolls. Now we've got that squared away, and I think you're going back and forth. So you're going like, first action. First action for the winning side, then the other side goes, first action, then keep going. So if I took four actions, I said, I'm doing four actions, and I'm taking that penalty, I take my first action on the opposing action. Goon fires at me. Since I have three actions left, I can use one to react. I think that's how that's working.

And then I would then have two actions left, if that makes sense. I think that's right. Or I can keep my actions, but then I have to then take an extra. So in other words, if I said, oh, I need to take these three actions, I can't reduce them. I can then still do my reaction. But then instead of having a penalty of four, because remember I was saying, I'm doing four, it would be a penalty of five. Yikes. I'm guessing if I've used up all my actions in other words, at the end of that fifth action, doom, doom, doom, doom.

And somebody's got a six action, and they're firing at me, I'm stuck flat footed. I think that's right. That seems to be pretty cool. I'm digging that. All right. Game master tips, speeding play, role play it out. Interpreting roles, free actions. Actions that take time.

That's nice. A nice list of things. Multiple role tasks. You may also use multiple role tasks where the task is resolved with several die roles. Each role covers a different part of the task and may represent minutes, hours, or even days of work. Use discretion to take to determine how long each task takes. You want to be careful with that because remember, the more you're having them roll, the more chances are they're going to fail. So just be aware or use some kind of mixed success and failure.

Kind of like dealing with a hyperdrive on the Falcon, right? Something like that. You can have the characters prepare actions. They might want to rush actions. You might need to use secret checks. You might want to do combined actions. Hey, no. Sorry. Well, you're coming towards the end, but you can always go back to the beginning.

You can go back in time and then witness the future. I think the next thing I'm really curious about is how many character points you're getting at an end of an adventure and kind of what an adventure means. But we go through with Force points. We haven't even gotten to the actual Force Dark Side points. Getting force points back. How Force points are spent during an adventure determines whether or not the. Character gets more at the end of the adventure. If you're doing evil while spending a force point, the character loses the force point permanently, but they do receive a dark side points.

All right? So that's good to know if you're being unheroic. When a character uses a force point to do something that is neither particularly heroic nor evil, the character loses that force point permanently. And being unheroic include using lies or deception, avoiding danger in a non heroic situation, saving your life in a nonheroic situation, using the point for power, wealth or other personal gain. If you're being heroic, when a character uses a force point in a heroic fashion, he gets the point back. At the end of the adventure, if you are heroic at a dramatically appropriate moment, you get the one back and you get another one. So you can actually get some force points. Increase your force points, and you can earn force points if you have none by doing the right thing. Now for Dark side points, whenever a character is at risk of receiving a dark side point, you should inform the player that his action will give the character a dark side point.

So let him know no gotchas here. Give the player the option of changing his mind. If he continues on, he has no right to complain of his character is consumed by the dark side. Fair enough. When a character gets a Dark side point, roll 1D. If the role is less than the character's number of dark side points, the character has turned to the dark side. All right? So even if it was just one dark side point, you do have a danger of going dark dark. I'm going to breeze through combat.

I don't know if I'm really interested in the injuries. Got some detonation. So we're getting more in the sort of nitty gritty of combat, which is cool. It's good to have, but I think for our purposes, I'm not super into it just in terms of spending time on it. You do have combat options like acrobatics and breaking stuff and called shots. The example for called shots, let's just read that R1 Quick is called shots is a thing that people love to engage with. Fennick is using his blaster skill to shoot at a stormtrooper at medium range. This means moderate difficulty.

Difficulty is twelve. He decides to shoot the blaster out of the trooper's hand. The weapon is about 30 CM long, so this call shot adds one D to the difficulty. The game master rolls one D and gets a four. FENX's new blaster difficulty is 16. That's kind of an interesting way to do it. 30 CM long only adds 1D. All right, but I guess we're being heroic, right? We're trying to do sort of cinematic stuff, so it makes sense not to penalize too much.

You could obviously increase that if for some reason you wanted a grittier Star Wars. We have some random body hit locations, you can be knocked out. All good stuff. You got martial arts. The Stormtrooper obviously did not let the wookie win. Look at that. Including headbutts and foot sweeps and disarming maneuvers and stuns. That's cool.

Get to damage, which might be stunned, wounded, incapacitated, mortally wounded, or outright killed. Let's read the example. Then fires his blaster pistol, which does 40 D damage and hits a bounty hunter with a strength of 3D plus two. Then damage roll is a nine, while the bounty hunter rolls an eleven. The bounty hunter shrugs off the blast with no injury. Oh, that's interesting. In the next round, Thanik hits again. This time his blaster damage roll is 16.

The bounty's hunter's strength roll to resist damage is a twelve. That's a difference of four points. The bounty hunter is wounded. Later on, Thanic is attacking a thug with a vibro axe. Strength plus 2D. If then it hits, he rolls his strength of 3D plus two, plus an extra 2D, for a total of 5D plus two damage. So that's kind of cool. So you're rolling against their and they're rolling against, so it's kind of an opposed check their strength versus your weapon and depending on the margin of loss, if the target wins, they're not hurt.

If they lose, then depending on the margin, they're either stunned wounded capacity and mortally wounded OSR killed. What happens if you're already wounded? Well, let's see. First, so stunned characters suffer a penalty of skills and attribute roles for the rest of the round. And for the next round, wounded characters fall prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round. The character suffers a penalty of skill and attribute rolls until they heal through med packs or natural west. A character who's wounded a second time is wounded twice. Well, yes, that would make sense. A character who's wounded twice falls prone and can take no actions for the rest of the round.

The character now suffers a penalty of two, dice to all skill and attribute rolls until he's healed. A wounded twice character is wounded again, is incapacitated. I see, so you move down the chain. And that's why we saw in that character sheet there were two boxes for wounded. So you can become wounded twice. Unnecessary. Everything once. Brian Smith asking about blue milk.

No blue milk that I've seen, but we're moving fast here, so there might have been a whole sidebar on blue milk that I missed. Man, I'm going overtime. We're going into overtime. But I do want to try to get to at least force and illnesses and disease. They're moving and chases. I am curious on the chase rules, what do we got? I just want to read the basic chases. Did I see it already? Character movement, speeds. Yeah, I got that.

I don't care about the speed so much for now or movement. I want to see about the chase complex maneuvers here we go. Running cinematic chases. Okay, what's the cinematic chase? Let's see. Cinematic comment is about characters on speeder bikes racing through the air at 600 km/hour, blaster bolts flying wildly around them. Pick a difficulty number, roll the character skill, give a snappy description of what you think should happen, and keep the game moving. Okay. So it seems like it's basically like a skill challenge, essentially, is what it seems like it's going through.

All right, so now we get ship combat, which I'm going to skip through, but it's there, so you can do it. Look at that. You get your stay on target monitor screen from your X Wing. Get some information on Spacing and star. Sports and starships. Great. Great running battles. What's a running battle? The combat round system is great for running the firefights that so often crop up in Star Wars adventures.

But if you want to tell a story with full scale conflicts like the Battle of Hawth, since the battle lasts several hours, does that mean you should run it round by round? Of course not. That would take years. Instead, use the battle as a backdrop. Battle shouldn't be the only thing in adventure, but it can make for an exciting conclusion to one the best full blown conflicts keep the game moving rather than getting you and the players bogged down into round by round movement. So you have the set up, you have the course of the battle, and then you run in scenes. I've used that before. I think it's a good kind of system. It doesn't give you the kind of gritty, tactical, chainmail, war game kind of view where individual decisions are really being paired against each other and measured.

But it's great for having things like the background of Hawth. If you imagine Empire Strikes Back, you have one scene would be Luke taking the speeder to try to take down one of the was it DD ATS? I think it's DD at. Right? Not the ATSD ADATs. That's fine. And then another scene would be Han and Leia and the Droids and Chewbacca getting out, or at least sorry, C three PO and Chewbacca getting out of the base, racing to the Falcon, getting that that's kind of a scene, right. The battles taking place around them. And that's great if the battle is kind of bigger than they are. Right.

The Luke taking down that ad doesn't actually change the course of the battle. Now, you could play it that it does, and I've played that before where I've had a battle going in the background. The party's taking specific actions, depending how the party's actions did that would be reflected in the tides of battle. But you could also have it be just isolated things Luke does a little bit to help out. Maybe his thing actually helps out Han, but it's not going to change, really, how the battle does. And then he gets to his speeder and escapes, which also could have been another scene, but in, say, the movie, they just kind of wiped transition to Luke, getting to the extraction point. So I'm going to kind of skip it. But you got some battles, and I think it makes sense.

On to the force. I'm going to go by the fluff. I really just want to see the mechanics, force training, finding Force skills. That's fun. I just want to see, what are we doing? Here we go. So force powers. Each Force skill governs a multitude of powers. A character rolls the appropriate Force skill or skills when trying to use a particular power.

The game master uses the description of the power to determine the difficulty for the task. A Jedi character must be taught a Force power to use it. Powers can be taught by a teacher, holocron, or some other document or item specifically intended to teach the power. Since most Jedi teachers know only a few powers, at a certain point, jedi characters will have to seek out other teachers and sources of instruction to learn new powers. A Jedi cannot use a power that has not been learned. All right, so I just really want to see an example of using a power. So here is one. Anna is trying to activate projective telepathy, which requires both a control and sense roll.

Anna can make the control roll in the first round and the sense roll in the second. She gets to roll her full die code for both Force skills, but it takes her two rounds to activate the power. If the situation is urgent, Anna may try to activate the power in one round by rolling both control and sense in that round. This counts as two actions. So Anna would roll both control and sense at minus 1D. That's really cool. I like that. It gives you a sense of, hey, I'm doing something complex.

And like, you do it as a ritual, so to speak. And then you just roll each one specifically. Great OSR. I could try to do it sort of fast casting, in a sense. And then I'm going to get that skill penalty for doing everything in the same round. And I kind of think you could adapt that into some magic stuff. They'll be interesting to go see what they do in the fantasy version if they just use just sort of rebrand four skills as magic and move on, or if they try to do something more, I don't know, d and D ish spell points slot thing. I'm not really interested in the control powers, but I did want to read how you do different Force powers.

That's cool. We have a whole bunch and then dark side characters, dark side costs, and you can see all the things that happen to turn you from a normal looking person into the Emperor. We have some stuff about turning to the dark side, and then we get the adventures section. I really just want to know at this point. Running Adventures, all good GM advice, I'm assuming, but not vital for us. You get a section on designing adventures, which is also good, but I'm going to breeze through it. I didn't see where you get where does it say about points? This is a Star Wars adventure. Did I miss where you're getting character points? Hold on a minute.

Where's character points? I feel like I'm kind of at the end of the stuff I want to cover. Yeah, I think so. You have a whole bunch of character templates, which I'm going to skip, but alien student of the Force, armchair historian, arrogant noble, got a bunch of minor Jedi outlaw I really just want to see get droids. All right, whole bunch of aliens. So we're into the universe stuff, which, again, I'm not going to cover because I don't have time. What I want is character points. How do we decide how many character points we have? Why did they put me in the middle of a page? I don't know. No kind of results, difficulty levels? I don't know.

Campaign develops. Why does it keep doing that? Running? Maybe it's under running adventures. I miss it. Running Adventures. I did miss it. All right, rewards. Here we go. Goodbye, BOOKMARKS.

Okay, so for rewards, make sure that what the characters receive for their actions matches what they went through during the adventure. Characters may be awarded money, equipment, and weapons for their activities and may also make contact with an important game master, character NPC, someone who could save their skins in a future adventure. Characters receive force points for particularly heroic actions. Characters also receive character points at the end of an adventure, which can be used to increase skills or be saved for later adventures. As a general rule, a character should receive between three and 15 character points for each adventure. The award depends on several factors. All right, three to 15. So potentially, if you do awesome and you decided for some idiotic reason not to take force sensitive and you wanted to buy it, if you did really awesome, got the max amount of points for an adventure, you'd still need five because it's 20 points to get it after the fact.

How well the characters and players did this is a reward for how the group did as a whole. If the players solved puzzles, came up with great solutions, and made sure that everyone had fun, give them six to eight character points the character did very poorly. They should only receive three or four character points. That one's a tough one. I don't know if I want to I hate to start grading people on their quality of play. I mean, we don't want people to be jerks necessarily, right? But that's a different conversation. I kind of think if maybe you have some objectives that they needed to do. And again, you know, me or if you've been around here, you know me, that I like player facing stuff.

So I might say, hey, what's your objective for this session? And then if they complete what they said they wanted to do and it's something reasonable, like our objective is to cross the street. No, our objective is to do something, whatever. Steal the plants of Death Star and they're able to get there, and that's something reasonable. You negotiate, oh, that's too much for now, but maybe on the way to that could be getting your disguises or whatever part of your plan. Okay, great. And then if you did get it, good. If they don't, don't. Hey, Monchola Woncholo says it's been years.

If I recall correctly, you start with seven points to describe to distribute at the start. In the games they were in, the GM gave us 14 points to start, so we're a bit more competent. Force users could only put points into one Force Power. The others had to be found during the game. I kind of breezed over the Force ability section, but I think my collection from what I did was that's correct about Force powers. I was really talking about the Force sensitivity, which is just a checkbox. Maybe, you know, wancholo from playing, but I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want to check the BX. It just seems like a no brainer to check for sensitivity, because as soon as you leave character creation and you want it, it costs 20 character points, so why wouldn't you check it? And I haven't gotten a good answer to that, but maybe there is one.

So that's the first. You have kind of the group reward. Then you have player reward or individual player reward. Then you have a cooperation type award, then a character award, and then a fun award. I'd want to switch these up. Not a huge fan of these, but it's a little bit of the time. If you're going to do it like these, I might have votes. Let people vote and they can't vote for themselves.

Something like that. I don't know. I don't know if I want to do that. But, hey, if you all had fun, yeah, that's great. But if you have a crappy session and then it becomes a mechanical penalty, I feel like you're penalizing already. Bad. You had a bad time. Do you need to then make it worse by saying, I'm only giving you three points in this because we had a bad time? It's like, Well, I just made it a worse time because now you're acting like a jerk.

I don't know. My opinion. My opinion. All right. But I think the big thing I want to know is, really you're getting between three and 15. Something terrible has got to be after you get three, because you're supposed to get three or four just for even failing to do anything as a player. How you get three in that scenario? I don't know, but that's a brute. It seems like if you're using this by the book and you end up with the GM goes, okay, three for the end of that session, then that's just brutal.

Brutal. Because that just means that the GM hates you. Essentially, GM hates me. So I'm only getting three points. All right, well, I went over the hour, but I did want to kind of get through everything. I feel like I answered everything that I wanted to answer mechanically, except for which will be maybe someone in the comments will be able to enlighten me, someone who's a veteran of D six Star Wars. The question I have why wouldn't you want to take Force sensitivity? It seems to be a no downside, and it just seems like a no brainer. But let me know if there's something even if it's a house rule, even your GM said, like, I might look at that and say, there's got to be some reason not to take it.

Maybe it's that powerful. Sith and other people will kind of sniff you out. I don't know if I recall, if you start getting Force powers, you had to act a lot more lawful. Good. I e Jedi like because it was easier to get dark side points. Okay. But the thing is, Won Cholo, is you can take force sensitivity and not pick up any dark side points. I don't know.

Maybe I'll have to read into it further, but if somebody knows, let me know. But we're going to exit hyperdrive. We've reached the remains of Alderon. The Death Star has got us in its inexorable tractor beam, and I'm going to close this one out. If you could give a thumbs up on your way out, that would be awesome. If you found yourself in here and you're not subscribed to the channel and you feel like subscribing, that would also be awesome. But once again, end. May the fourth be with you.

Game on, everybody, and I will talk to you later. Bye, now.